My Mission & Promise

Your Journey to Wellness

My Mission

Within myself is a heart that deeply cares for others and deeply gives to foster health and wellness of the body, mind, emotions, heart, and spirit. My mission: to use my skills with acupuncture and working with energy, to help people’s physical pain to feel better. To also use my skills to ease people’s deepest suffering; treating emotional hurts, and releasing sadness, anger, fear, and worry, which are a part of the underlying causes of disease and the causes of your deepest suffering. Part of my mission is to help others: find mercy and compassion for themselves, feel the safety and trust that they have lost touch with, and helping people to feel deep peace and calmness within. This is the “real” medicine needed for what really ails us.

My mission is to listen to you with my heart, not just my ears. Also to support you and offer encouragement. Spiritually my mission is offering people the road map back to connecting into the divine being that we really are, and to the greater Divine being that exists for all of us. I help people by showing them how to transform the places within that need love, mercy and forgiveness; and helping to empower others to learn to heal themselves.

My Promise

My promise to you is to do my best to help you; from all the different sources of training and knowledge I have received, to restore wholeness. To offer you caring, guidance, and education: to make a difference in your experience of yourself and your life.

To truly be a partner with you in your journey to wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

I strive to have my efforts make a difference in the world.

In the Community of Frederick

For the community—I help people who are transitioning in hospice care, and donate time to feed the hungry here in Frederick.
Acupuncture Experience
Spiritual Growth and Life's Purpose

After years of now doing my own inner work, I know that problems and conflicts do not have to break down and destroy relationships or happiness in our life. They are opportunities – gifts and lessons, that we can learn and grow from.

My Spiritual Training
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